Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


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Alla-Homma So'alle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless Mohammed s.a.w.s and his progeny)
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the love of Hussain a.s
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the ziarat of Hussain a.s

The greatest martyr of mankind
He sacrificed his life for Truth, Justice & Humanity 


An introduction to fourteenth infallible Imam of the age (AS)
Fourteenth Infallible
The Sun of the existence of the twelveth Imam (A.S.) cast its reflection and enlightened and brightened the hearts of the Shias with its light.
The Abbasade caliphs and government functionaries had heard that the Imams are twelve people and that the last and final of them is the son of eleventh Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) whose occultation will prolong, and he is the one who will form the world government.
The tyrant rulers were greatly and extremely alarmed and scared and wanted to stop it. But they were not aware that Pharos with his might and power and with all that barbaric massacre of the children and newly born babies could not stop the God's will to materialize. He was looking for and searching Musa/Moses [A.S.] from house to house but was bringing up; his wanted one in his own lap. Motamid, the Abbasade caliph, who was the Pharos of his age, was extremely vigilant and watchful about the Imam's house. When eleventh Imam (A.S.) was poisoned and taken from the prison to his house, in a feeble condition, he sent five of the courtiers along with him so that they may be vigilant and alert and inform him about any occurrence or incident taking shape at his house.
Then he sent a group of mid wives to the house of eleventh Imam (A.S.) so that they keep an eye upon the wife of Imam (A.S.).
Samarah immersed into disturbance and lamentations upon the martyrdom of eleventh Imam (A.S.). All the people by closing their places of work moved towards Imam's (A.S.) house. They carried the corpse upon their hands for the burial ceremonies in a much grand, splendid and magnificent way.
The Abbasade caliph got much harassed and bewildered at such movement of the masses. He was trying hard to cover up his crime and manifest the martyrdom of Imam (A.S.) as a natural death.
Motamid sent his brother to attend the burial rituals and take evidence, and make people a witness that nobody had killed the Imam (A.S.). On the other side, he took up the work of distributing the wealth of Imam (A.S.) so as to show that Imam (A.S.) has left over no son who could offer the funeral prayer and be the heir to his property.
But inspite of the entire efforts God's behest took place and the son of Imam (A.S.) was five years old when his father was martyred. He achieved the station of Imamate in that age, just as the Christ (A.S.) was appointed Prophet while he was in the cradle.
He, in the same age, when they laid the corpse of his father, and his uncle who was not a good man wanted to lead the funeral prayers, pushed his uncle aside and led the prayer assembly himself.
After the prayers he disappeared from the sights. From the very age of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.), the Shias had seen him in his father's house and had heard the recommendations he did about his son. After the martyrdom of his father they kept in contact with him for a long time.
Circumstances of Imam's (A.S.) Birth
Hakima, the aunt of Imam (A.S.) says, "I had gone to the house of my nephew, on Thursday in the mid of shabaan's month. When I wanted to say good-bye and ask for permission to leave. Imam (A.S.) said, "Oh aunty do stay tonight with us because our son will come to the world." I was much overjoyed and happy and went to Narjis (mother of Imam-e-Zaman) but I did not find any clue and sign of pregnancy in her. Astonished and surprised as I was, I said to myself, I do not see any sign of child's birth. At this moment Imam (A.S.) came to me and said, "Oh aunty don't be sad Narjis is like the mother of Musa (A.S.) and the baby is like Musa (A.S.), who was born secretly and without any signs and symbols. Go to Narjis she will (bear) bring her child to the world at morning (Azzan time [dawn time]). I became glad and stayed with Narjis and the way Imam (A.S.) had said the signs of pregnancy appeared before sunrise. A sphere of light came into existence in between her and myself so that I could not see Narjis any longer. I got scared and came out of the room and contacted Imam (A.S.) and told him about the matter. He smiled and said, "Turn back, after a few moments so you will see him."
I returned to the room and saw that newly born baby was prostrating whereas he had raised his finger towards the sky, calling remembering his God with graciousness, grandeur and oneness and praising Him.
His Mother Narjis's Matter
One of the servants of Tenth Imam Hadi (A.S.) "Busher Ansari" narrated in this connection that, one day Imam Hadi (A.S.) called me and said to me, "I want to allocate a job to you, the performing of which will have a great worth for you". He gave me a letter along with a sack containing two hundred and twenty golden dinnars and said, "Take these and go to Baghdad and wait on the passage and course of river Euphorates as, a ship arrives tomorrow". There are plenty number of maids on it, which have been brought for sale. Most of the buyers and purchasers are from the Bani Abbas and a few other youths. There is a girl on that ship so when they ask her to show herself to the customers she does not do it. One of the youth comes forward and says to his master "I buy her for two hundred golden dinnars". But that lady does not agree. Then his master says, "There is no alternative except your being sold, so you must submit." But she replies, "Wait, my purchaser will come". Then you go ahead give her the letter and say, "If this lady be inclined to the one who sent this letter, I purchase her." She becomes glad after reading the letter thus you purchase her from her master and bring her."
Busher says, I did what Imam had ordered and purchased her form her master. On the way she narrated to me an amazing and astonishing story and said, "I am the daughter of the king of Rome". My grandfather was a close one to Christ (A.S.). My father wanted to get me married to his nephew. One day, he organized a grand congregation in the palace and made his nephew sit with me upon the throne. All the Christian dignitaries and chieftain gathered to get me married to him.
All of a sudden the palace shook, which scattered every thing and my cousin, fell down from the throne. They again organized an assembly but again the same thing reoccurred. The Christian dignitaries and nobles took it for a bad omen and all of them left the palace.
On the same night, I slept sad and uncomfortable. I saw in the dream that lightened men came to the palace. Some were saying one of them was Christ (A.S.) and the other one was the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.). The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) of Islam facing the Christ (A.S.) said, "I ask you the hand of this granddaughter of yours for my (grand) son in marriage".
Christ (A.S.) was overjoyed and happy and accepted it (the proposal).
I got up from the bed and did not tell anyone about this matter. Till such time that one-day, I fell ill and my father summoned the entire physician and made them present near my bed. But none of them could treat me. I requested my father to free those Muslims who were in prison. He agreed to my demand and freed them and I was cured.
On the same night, I again saw lightened women. They were saying she is the mother of Christ Mary (Marriam [S.A.]) and Fatimah (S.A.) the daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). Fatimah (S.A.) who came ahead and said to me, "If you are inclined to be the wife of my son you should become a Muslim."
I embraced and accepted Islam at her hands in the dream. Then she took me along with her to her son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.).
His love captured my heart very strongly and thoroughly so I became restless both days and nights till one night, I saw Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in my dream. I asked him, "How can I become your wife?" He said, "very soon your father will send an army to fight the Muslims and you will be at the rear of that army. The Muslims will win the battle and you will be held prisoner and brought in to Baghdad for sale. The ship stops in the course of Euphorates and they bring you out for sale".
The customers come to purchase you. But wait, the one who will come to buy you will come along with a letter from my father. He will buy you and bring you along with him.
I awoke from the dream and was happy and after a certain time, the same thing happened what Imam (A.S.) had said. Oh Busher! Till this moment no one is aware of this secret, and recognize me. Beware, do not reproduce this affair, which I narrated to you to anybody, and keep it to yourself.
"Busher" says as she described her story to me I trembled all over and from then onwards I respected her more and accompanied her like a servant. Then I brought her to my Lord Imam Hadi (A.S.). He asked her, "How is it that you embraced (adopted) Islam?" She replied, "You are asking me something, about which you know better than myself."
Then he said, "Good tidings to you regarding a son who will fill the world with justice and legality, the son who is being awaited by all."
Then he, turning his face towards his sister Hakima said, "Oh Sister! this is the same lady you were waiting for. Take her along with you and teach her the commands of Islam." Hakima hugged her and graciously and honorable took her along."
Imam's (A.S.) Life Period
Imam's (A.S.) life can be divided into three phases.
1. From birth up to the martyrdom of his father till he was five years of age. During this period many of the Imams (A.S.) companions and the notables and jurisprudents who came from all over the nooks and corners of the world to see Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) had met this son of his and had enquired the solution to out numbered problems from him. Imam (A.S.) had shown them his son and made recommendations to them about him.
2. The minor occultation (incubation), which started at the age of six years and continued up to 76 years. During this period, the government officials and agents were deprived of his meeting but the friends and associates did go to see him and ask him the solution to their problems.
During this period there were four persons, who were the special friends of Imam (A.S.) and were the medium between people and the Imam (A.S.). They carried and delivered the letters and money of the people to Imam and deliver them the answers of Imam.
Four of those include.
i) Usman bin Saeed
ii) Mohammad bin Usman
iii) Hussain bin Raoh
iv) Ali bin Mohammad Sumairi
These were out of those friends, who were the object of confidence of Imam (A.S.) and each one of them did perform his deputation and duties one after the other.
3. The major occultation (incubation) started from 329 Hijrah onwards and is currently running. He, during this period, which only God know how long it would last, attends the gatherings and congregation of the people and presents himself among them in an unknown guise, without being recognized. Nobody can recognize him and those who see him they see him as a stranger and when he leaves then they, from the signs and symbols, which they saw, know that he was Imam himself.
In the age, when Imam is spending his life in the major occultation and does not introduce himself to people jurisprudents who are capable, talented and well equipped in Islamic problems solve the difficulties of people and the Islamic society on behalf of the Imam (A.S.). They, keeping in view the people's welfare expedient of world and hereafter, provide the grounds for the revolution of the infallible Imam (A.S.).
People in this age, are waiting for him but it does not mean that they may sit idle, immobile and indifferent and stay their hands from endeavor, efforts and paving the way for his (Imam's [A.S.]) arrival. Instead, the waiting man is a person hopeful, endeavoring, dashing and moving, intelligent and aware, having faith and belief in Imam (A.S.), and finally leveler and pave of the ground for the appearance and advent of Imam (A.S.).
He is exactly like that mountaineer, who is waiting for the conquest of mountain peak and struggles and endeavors to lay hand upon his aim, and gets ready whatever is necessary to reach the peak. Obviously, having the plan of conquering the peak of success and sitting idle laying hand on hand will not make him reach the aim.
Therefore, waiting gives to the human beings movement, struggle and endeavor, though ideas, invention and discovery. If this vital principle is finished in the society human beings would become cold and frigid, immobile, hopeless and disappointed and would no more be optimistic about a brilliant future.
The principle of waiting in Islam is a principle un-detachable and un-segregatable from the religion, which gives the happy news of a bright future and the implementation of the total and complete social justice. Thus he trains himself for the sake of materializing this ideal and aim in such a way that he may be able to fight and combat against the darknesses, antagonist of Mehdi (A.S.) (Islamic antichrist) and Sufians and by virtue of his uninterrupted movement set the atmosphere ready for the formation of single universal government. So that by the time of the appearance of a Gad made personality all the aims and objective of Islam take their practical shape. (Insha Allah)
Imam's (A.S.) Miracles
Although there are a plenty number of the miracles of Imam-e-Zaman but we point out two of them as under:
1) Shiekh Tusi has narrated it from a man named Rashiq, who was the agent of Abbesade caliph "Motazid." One day Motazid summoned me and said, "I have learnt that there is a son in the house of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.)". He escorted me with two of his agents saying, "Go to Samara as soon as possible and get into the house of Imam Askari (A.S.) if you find a young man kill him and bring his head for me. We swiftly proceeded till we reached Imam's (A.S.) door. We saw a slave sitting at the door. We paid no heed to him and entered the house. We saw a much beautiful house and a room in a corner attracted our attention. We drew the curtain up, saw a big room full of water and there was a carpet spread over it and a youth was busy offering prayers. One of the agents entered the room and at once sunk into the water. We saved him with a great deal of trouble. He lost his senses.
The other one entered the room he too got sunk into the water. We dragged him out. He too lost his senses. After an hour both of them regain their lost senses. While we were trembling with fear, we rode off upon our homes and moved towards the residence of the caliph.
We approached him at the mid of night. He was waking and waiting for us. We explained the matter to him. He too trembled with fear as we had and said, "Nobody should know about this matter. Keep this secret to you and don't tell it to anyone. If I come to know that you have mentioned it to someone I will kill you". So till such time "Motazid" was living we did not pluck the courage to say a word about it.
2) Ali bin Sinan narrates, a group of people of Qum proceeded towards Samarah, along with some money, to visit Imam Askari (A.S.). When they reached there they discovered that Imam (A.S.) had passed away. They remained uncertain and wandering around for a while to find out what to do, till such time they were introduced to "Jaffar" the brother of Imam Askari (A.S). When they described the aim and object of that journey. He said to them, "Hand me over the money as I am his successor. But they said, "Imam (A.S.) must tell us how much money we have along with us and that whose property is each of the sacks?"
This thing had occurred before as well, therefore, "Jaffar" got flared up and said, "You are telling a lie that my brother used to inform about these things. Because this is prescience and omniscience and oracle, and divination belongs to God only and none else".
But they insisted and asserted so that Jaffar made a complaint against them to the caliph. He summoned them and ordered them to surrender the wealth to Jaffar. They pledged that, "This is not our money and all are deposits of the people and we have no way except handing them over to somebody who may be the successor of Imam (A.S.) and if otherwise, then return them to their owners".
The caliph accepted their word and let them go free. When they decided to leave the city a young man came to them and said, "Imam has summoned you all."
All of them were happy and followed him to the house of Imam Askari (A.S.). There they found a young man, the effects and signs of Imamate were apparent upon whose face. They repeated the same words, which they had told Jaffar.
Imam smiled and said, "Sit down, so that I inform you about each one of these (sacks)". Thereafter, he took the name of the owner of each of the sacks one by one, the amount and their quantities and numbers.
We were pleased and overjoyed for the fact that we had discovered our lost object. We took out the sacks and handed those over to Imam (AS.) and enquired and put questions to him about our problems. He replied all of them. Then he ordered that from that time onwards we must not bring the money over there and instead; contact the representative, which he had appointed in Baghdad. Whenever we have questions to be asked we must send those to him and he will send the answers to us.
All of us said good-bye to him and came out. We thanked God upon that blessing and benediction.
Those who reached the Imam (A.S.)
Although Imam (A.S.) has not shown himself to anyone during the major occultation period and people have been deprived of seeing him but the pure and pious lovers have sometimes been able to see and talk to him and we point out a few occasions out of those, as specimens.
1. Shamsuddin the son of Hirqili: says about his father, "one day my father narrated to me the story of his leg which was wounded and then cured." In the youth time my thigh got injured and infected. It troubled me. One day I visited a friend "Syed Raziuddin Taus" in Hila Iraq. He gathered the physicians to examine my infected wound and to treat that but when they examined it, they gave a negative response because as per their opinion if they operated upon it, the risk of the vein being cut and consequently my death existed. The next year that Syed (friend) took me to Baghdad and got me inspected and checked by the physician of that place. All of them said the same that the physicians of Hila had previously said.
One of those days, sad, disappointed, and dismayed as I was, I visited the Shrines of my Imams (A.S.) in Samara and stayed there overnight and yearned seeking the help of Imam-e-Zaman (Imam of the age). When the morning dawned I went towards the river Dajla and washed my clothes and took a bath to turn back for Ziarat (visiting Imam's shrine). On the way back two horse riders met me. I thought they were the desert dwellers (nomadic). They saluted me. One of them said, "Come near me." Since, I had cleaned my clothes and did not consider the desert dwellers (Arbs) as clean, I did not go near them. I was afraid that their hands would contaminate my dress, which was still wet. I was thinking about it when suddenly he dragged me towards himself and put his hand upon the wound of my leg so that I yelled with pain. He took his hand off and said, "Ismail you are relieved, now do not be sad and distressed because you will bear no more of pin."
I was surprised how was it that he called me by my name. I was still thinking about it and he went. I said to myself perhaps he might be my Imam-e-Zamana. I followed him and appealed him to stop. Suddenly he turned his face back and said, "Ismail turn back."
I would not listen and continued running after him as before. The other person who was with him said, "Oh Ismail turn back are you not ashamed of it that you do not obey the command of your Imam-e-Zamana?"
Then I was positive that he was the Imam (A.S.) and the guardian of the Ummah.
I stopped and had a look upon him watching him go and after a while they disappeared from my sight.
Shamsuddin says, "From that day onwards my father would frequently and consecutively visit Samarah but he did not see the Imam (A.S.) again and left this world with the aspiration and longing to see him.
2. Syed Mohammad Jabal Amili: described the affair of his journey to his friends saying, "one year I traveled to Mashad and since I did not have sufficient money it was hard and difficult time. Till the time that I learnt a caravan was moving. But as I even did not have money enough to buy one time meal to fill my belly, I went to the (Haram) Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) and wept there. Then I decided to reach the caravan, even though I was hungry. Because, if I was left back the winter would set in and I would die of cold.
I was proceeding in the same condition upon the way but I lost my way and found myself in a dry burning and scorching hot desert. I was not able to move on account of hunger. Inspite of wandering in search of any grass or vegetation to eat I could not procure any. Night fell and it became dark. The noise of beasts and desert animals had harassed and frightened me. I was weeping and got prepared to submit myself to death. Not very long after the moon appeared and the voices of roaring of the beasts stopped.
Suddenly my eyes caught the sight of a hillock, the height of a dune, I went there I saw a spring. I was very much happy. I took some water drank it and made ablution and offered my prayers. Thereafter, I did not have the energy to move any more because of hunger. I went to sleep right there and got ready for death.
All of a sudden I saw a person riding a horse, moving towards me. I thought perhaps he may be one of the robbers and since, I did not possess a thing he might kill me, out of anger.
When he reached there he saluted me.
I answered his salutation then I knew he was not one of the robbers.
Then he said, "What are you up to?"
I replied him in a great deal of weakness and handicapped condition that "I am hungry and have lost my way."
He said, "you have a number of melons lying besides you, why are you hungry?"
I who had searched all the places around had not found a thing, thought he was just joking. I said to him "do not make fun of me, and leave me alone to die."
He said, "I am not joking look at the back of you."
When I had a look I saw three melons.
He said, "Eat one of those and keep the other two with you and go straight upon this way. Near about the sunset you will reach a tent, they will guide you to the caravan".
Then he disappeared.
I came to my senses at once and knew that he was the Imam-e-Zamana.
According to his order I ate one of the melons and when I was fit enough I picked up the other two and proceeded on my way.
On the noon of the next day I ate the other melon and proceeded again and as he had said, I reached a tent, near the sunset time. They showed me in to the tent and treated me well and then made me connect the caravan.
Can a man, have such a long life?
On the basis of the science of physiology the human body is composed of Billions of cells and tissues. With the passage of time, the cells get old and worn out and wither away and young cells take their place. This is how the schedule of life goes on.
That thing which worn the man out and stop the cells from performing their activity and work and brings the gift of death to man are the harmful microbes which enter the human body from various ways and start a combat against the cells and annihilate them.
The knowledge of medicine (prevention and cure of disease) is a witness to it that if man commands the perfect knowledge and acquaintance with the condition of body, diets and the perilous and harmful substances and completely looks after his health and is careful about his food his life will prolong. He will not meet an early approaching old age.
From this point of view the scholars and scientists have been able to prolong the lives of a few animals to many times their (natural) length, through experiments. In this way, man can, by virtue of vast knowledge and respecting the rules and regulations of health, live for a number of centuries.
A scholar must search for many long years to reach and lay his hand upon a secret of the knowledge, to get acquainted with only a piece of it. But Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.) all the stocks of whose knowledge are bestowed upon him by the God does not need to traverse all that long way and he can travel the length of centuries in one moment and reach the result.
In this way, it would not be anything difficult, from the scientific point of view that he (Imam [A.S.]) by the vast knowledge, which has been gifted to him by the God, may lead his life for hundreds of years with health and safety of his youth and old age and wearing off does not approach him.
On the other hand, the length of the life of Imam-e-Zamana is not more surprising and amazing than the extinguishing of the fire (of Namrod) for Ibrahim/Abraham (A.S.), the bifurcating and division of the river Nile for Musa/Moses (A.S.) to cross over and turning of a pole into a serpent, which are the show and manifestation of the power of God.
Quran and history with reference to these problems narrate the examples and specimens of the length of lives of the Prophets and the ordinary people in the past times. For instance, Noah (A.S.), Luqman (A.S.) lived as long as 950 years and 400 years in this world respectively.
Similarly "Bukht Nasr" lived 1507 years and Suleman/Solomon (A.S.) lived 712 years and Firoze Rai a king of India lived nearly 537 years.
All of these examples are a witness to the fact that the longevity of man's life is not against science and knowledge and it is possible to occur in all the ages.
How will the Imam (A.S.) achieve success and Victory over the World Powers?
In an age when the thinkers and wise men of the world are busy in a race of the production of destructive and harassing weapons there would be no sign of peace and tranquility and the world will continue to bum and smolder in the fire of war and injustice. The power poles would continue to think of expanding their governments and lands trough war and martial intervention. Given these circumstances and conditions disappointment and distress will overwhelm the human lives and the spectrum of sin, evil and aggression will expand.
In this condition the ground and scenario for the acceptance of a just government free of war and aggression will come into existence. All the nations will get fed up and tired of their egoist and tyrant governments and the expansion and progressing evil and injustice will make the world ready for an explosion. Just similar to the appearance of the bright star of Islam in the area of Hijaz. So that after five centuries of ignorance tyranny and cruelty a suitable scenario got provided for the advent of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) of Islam.
The afflicted and deprived masses got so prepared and ready to accept Islam that they responded positively and quickly to the call of Tawhid (oneness of God) and Justice of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and group wise embraced it and accepted its manifesto.
If we observe the revolutions of the world, we will find and discover that the best parts of the success of the leaders of revolutions was on account of the materialization and appearance of the suitable scenario in those societies which was caused by the extreme unhappiness of the people from the tyranny of their brutal governments and the same led their leader towards achieving power.
On the basis of this (theory) the upraise and revolution of Imam Mehdi (A.S.) will materialize on a natural ground which is the same appearance of suitable scenarios in the society and since the revolution of Imam (A.S.) would be global and not restricted to an area. Therefore, all the people of the world must get prepared to accept the revolution and this would be possible in a time that according to the saying of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), "cruelty, brutality and evil and destruction shall have over whelmed the total world." The extreme and severe pressures of the governments shall have put all the masses of the nation upon the course of an explosion, so that all stretch their hands towards it. And accept its invitation from the core of their hearts. Just like a fruit, which ripens upon the tree and with only a jerk or movement falls down to the ground.
In these conditions all the powers of the world, howsoever they may be equipped with marshal and military hardware, cannot stop and put a restraint upon that upraisal and revolution, through killing and massacres.
In this age the world is confronted with a defeat, and restlessness of souls and needs an unusual leader. A leader who may be fully equipped with the knowledge and awareness of the history and all the stages and degrees of the human culture very closely and who have touched all those and been an expectator and minute observer of all the historical changes and all the crimes of the past times.
He is the one who after the behest of and deputation order from the God yells out the slogan of justice and humanity and having gathered the historically subjugated and suppressed masses of the world around him put an end to the governments of the criminals. Unity will make those people, who spent their energies on the way to the annihilation and destruction of each other, get their energies and resources used for the welfare and prosperity of each other.
Thus bring into existence a world, far from fear, anxiety and full of boon and benediction.


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Alla-Homma So'alle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless Mohammed s.a.w.s and his progeny)
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the love of Hussain a.s
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the ziarat of Hussain a.s

The greatest martyr of mankind
He sacrificed his life for Truth, Justice & Humanity 


An introduction to thirteenth infallible Imam Hassan Askari (AS)
Thirteenth Infallible
The eleventh bright star of Imamate appeared on the horizons of the sky of guardianship (willayat) in Madina and set in Samarra.
His name was Hassan and surname Abu Mohammad and the well-known titles were "Zaki" and "Askari". His father was Imam Hadi (A.S.), whereas his mother's name was Sausan.
He was 22, when his father was martyred and the period of his Imamate, following his father's death, was six years. He was 28, when martyred by "Motamid" the Abbasade caliph in the year, 260 Hijrah and was buried in Samarrah.
His only son is Mohammad Mehdi (Mehdi, the promised one) who will upon his advent; fill up the world with equity, justice, and fairness.
Islam, because of the severe control and restraint in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.), had lost its influence and dissemination. The power helms particularly, Muttawil the Abbasade caliph, endeavored to keep Imam (A.S.) out of the reach of people.
Since they had learnt that the twelveth Imam (A.S.) will come into existence from Imam Askari (A.S.) and he is the one who will disappear from the sights and acquire the leadership of the Islamic Ummah and establish a single Universal government, they were strictly vigilant about the affairs of the Imam (A.S.).
But the God, who had saved and defended Musa (Moses) (A.S.) from the governmental machinery of Pharos, could bring the future leader of the Islamic Ummah too into existence, away from the sights of people.
Special features of Imam's (A.S.) morality
Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) was a gracious personality and an unmatched exigest of Quran. More than a hundred well-known wise men remained continuously present in his assembly. During a period of sixteen years, when he lived in Iraq, the territories from Syria up to Madina, particularly Iran was under his influence. Imam's (A.S.) spiritual and knowledge's influence went to the extent that it overwhelmed the court of "Almotaz" and all the wise men busy in his government missionary got enamored enticed, and fascinated by Imam (A.S.). When Imam (A.S.) traveled to Iran and crossed over the Lawasan via Qum and Rai, the people captivated and fascinated by the school of Ahl al-Bayth (A.S.), gathered all around him and expressed their warm feelings and sentiments for him. He made a speech before the people of Lawasan and ordered them to build a mosque and declare it as their base.
This command of Imam (A.S.) proved so effective that they got busy in building seventy mosques on a single day.
One of the courtiers of Abbasade government named "Ahmed bin Khaqan", who was an enemy of the Prophet's family, said one day "I have not seen anybody in Samarra, among the Bani Hashim family, more pious, virtuous and chaste than Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). If the caliphate goes out of the Bani Abbasade's hands then no one except "Hassan Askari (A.S.)" will be capable and fit for it. Then he said, "one day I was present with my father when Hassan Askari (A.S.) arrived there, although he was the enemy of the Prophet's family, yet he got up from his place, kissed his hand and made him seated upon his own place and sat before him like a pupil in front of a teacher and lent ears to his wards.
Abu Yousuf
Abu Yousuf says about the charity and generosity of Imam (A.S.), I got down and out, and could not support my children any longer. We were all hungry, sad and desperate. I went to the court of Abbasades many a times so that I may seek their help, for, I was related to them. But they were so very enticed and lost in their lives that they would not attend to my agony and painful heart. One day, I paid a visit to Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) and described before him my implications. He had four hundred dinnars available with him and he gave all of them to me and said, "Go and get your family freed from distress."
One day, he sent two thousand dinnars for "Ali bin Jaffar" so that he may distribute those among his afflicted and poor friends.
He was in prison for six years and in-spite of all his difficulties, problems and pains he met the people with smiling face.
Although the most wicked and evil character person were deputed in the prison to torture him, yet they were so enchanted and enticed by the piety and prayers of Imam (A.S.) that when the chief of the prison objected upon them saying "I have learnt that you have a fair dealing with Imam (A.S.)."
They said, "He is a man, who is always busy offering secret prayers to his God and keeping fast at the day time and busy in offering the prayers at the night time. Whenever he looks at us our bodies tremble how is it, that you wish us to harm and torture this man?"
Abdullah Khaqan
Although Abdullah Khaqan the minister of Mutawakkil, was very proud and indifferent, yet whenever he would see the Imam (A.S.) he got up from his place, and while riding a horse he would get down from it.
He said about Imam (AS.), "Imam Askari (A.S.) was a person who remained busy in his supplications and prayers to God at night, and in the days he would fast. He was so kind hearted that he even prayed to God for his enemies. Whenever a distressed, or afflicted came his way, he would give him whatever he had."
Once the caliph handed him over to an ill natured wicked man named "Tahreer" to deal with him very strictly and tease and harm him. They, upon the behest of the caliph, threw him to the beasts so that they may tear and eat him up. All of the beasts gathered around him and rubbed and caressed their bodies against him. When the caliph saw this scene he freed him and put in efforts to honor him.
There was a monastery in Samarra whose patron was considered to be one of the chieftains and holy men of the Christians and was respected by them. Once he visited Imam (A.S.) and embraced Islam. He was asked as to why he became a Muslim. He replied, "I observed those signs in this man (Imam) which were only passed by the Christ (A.S.).
Imam's (A.S.) Wisdom
Imam (A.S.) was like a roaring river of wisdom, which quenched the thirst of those thirsty for it. As per "Khawarzamis" statement eighteen thousand men, thirsty for knowledge, benefited from his assembly. The first one out of the Abbasade caliph Almotaz's court, who took an oath of allegiance for him was the famous Iranian genius and talented person named "Mohammad bin Masood Shirazi."
It is narrated that such was his wisdom that even Kindi the teacher of "Abu Nasr Farabi" was defeated and failed in discussion with him, and burnt down his book which he had written against Islam.
The Christian scholars had become so enticed and enchanted by his knowledge and wisdom that they called him the Christ.
Once, when Imam (A.S.) faced the questions of those men who had come from different countries of the world for this purpose, he answered their question in their own various languages. All of them got amazed and surprised at it.
Revealing of Imam (A.S.)
A draught took shape in one of the years in Samarra. "Motamid" the Abbasade caliph ordered people to proceed to the desert and pray (for rain).
People did go to the desert for three days consecutively but rain did not fall. The next day, the Christians along with their scholars went to offer prayer and it rained.
This event, brought into effect a great zeal, fervor and excitement among the Muslim masses. The hearts of the Muslim got attracted towards the Christians. Motamid, the Abbasade caliph was very much perturbed, dismayed, and desperate over it. He sent a word for "Imam Askari (A.S.)" in the prison, and summoned him to his court and asked him about the solution to that problem.
Imam Said, "Tell them to go to the desert tomorrow for the sake of rain. They did so and Imam (A.S.) followed them with a great mob of people, following him to disclose and unveil the fact out of this matter. The Christians raised their hands towards the sky and prayed to God for rain. Not very long had passed that a cloud appeared and it started raining. Imam (A.S.) ordered that the hand of one of the Christians, which was raised up, be held and whatever was concealed among his finger folds be taken out. They observed a black bone and took it out of his fingers. They presented that bone to Imam (A.S.). He wrapped it in a piece of cloth and then told him to pray after that, for rain to fall.
As soon as the Christian raised his hands all the clouds scattered and the sun appeared shinning. All the people were surprised and astonished at it. The caliph asked Imam (A.S.) what was the secret of that affair. Imam (A.S.) replied, "This is a piece of bone of one of the Prophets of God which they have picked up from his grave." They swear to God and ask him for the sake of this bone. God grants their desire and prayer and makes the rainfall and whosoever will hold this bone the same thing will occur. After a test of it in the presence of people, what Imam (A.S.) said proved evidently correct and all of them praised the Imam (A.S.).
The training method of Imam (A.S.)
Abul Hassan who was one of the descendents of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) and lived in Qum was a bad character man. One day he happened to visit the house of "Ahmed bin lshaq Ashaari," who was the representative and delegate of Imam (A.S.), for some work. He asked for permission to see him, which was rejected by him due to his misdeeds.
He returned back to his home and appeared to be very sad, uncomfortable, and agonized due to the disrespect being shown to him. In the same year, Ahmed bin Ishaq Ashaari went to Mecca and on his way back he visited the house of Imam Askari (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) did not welcome and give him permission to meet himself. After weeping and expressing grief (when he was permitted). He asked the Imam (A.S.) as to what was the reason of it. Imam (A.S.) said, "I gave the same treatment which you gave to our cousin." Then Imam (A.S.) said, "Although you are one of our Shias and helpers but this was a wrong thing that you did."
He said, "Oh the son of Prophet (P.B.U.H.), I did that because he was a sinner and I wanted to reprimand and stop him from doing that bad work."
He said, "This was not a correct thing to do." In Islam they do not do such a thing with those gone astray rather they are to be guided and led.
When Ahmed returned to Qum, all the notables and dignitaries came to see him. Abul Hasan, the descendent of Imam Sadiq (A.S.), was also present among them. As soon as Ahmed saw him he got up from his seat and showed great respect to him and seated him upon his own place. Abul Hasan was surprised at his conduct and asked him to let him know about the reason of the difference of his conduct from that previously shown by him.
Ahmed explained to him all that matter which he had come across. He (Abul Hasan) was so ashamed of himself that when he returned from that congregation to his home, he decided that he would abandon his bad activities and acquires piety. Thus he turned into one of the pious and chaste men.
Imam's (A.S.) connection with the unseen World
Although many amazing stories of Imam (A.S.) have been narrated in the books but we point to two of them as a specimen.
1. Jaffar Jurjani: says, "I went for Hajj and visited Imam Askari (A.S.) I had the money for Imam (A.S.), which his friends had sent to him. I wanted to ask the Imam (A.S.) to whom I might surrender that. When I visited him before my saying something he said, Handover the money, which you have with you, to my servant "Mubarrak".
I handed the money over to him and told Imam (A.S.) that his friends in Gurgan conveyed their regards and salutation to him. He said, "God may bless them with reward." You will return to Gurgan and God will give you a son. Name him Sharif. He will become one of our friends and companions. God will give a son to Ibrahim, tell him to name him Ahmed, he also will be one of our friends. I bade farewell to Imam (A.S.) and returned back and what Imam (A.S.) had said, did take place.
2. Shablanji: Who is one of the Sunni scholars quotes Abu Hashim saying, he said, "I and four of the friends of Imam (A.S.) were in the prison." Imam (A.S.) visited us and we surrounded him and talked to him. There was a person among us who considered himself to be one of the descendent of Ali (A.S.). Imam Ali (A.S.) gave him a gesture to go out. When he went out Imam (A.S.) said, "This man tells a lie, he is not one of us, he is the spy of the caliph and has written and provided a report with respect to you, which he has concealed in his dress, to give it to him (caliph).
We brought him and investigated and as Imam (A.S.) told us he had procured a report regarding us, which if he had given to the caliph, all of us would have been killed and slain by him. We tore off and destroyed the report and thereafter got careful and vigilant about ourselves.
3. Ibrahim: He says, "A news reached me and my brother that our father was lost and traveled to a far flung place. We proceeded together from Madina towards Iraq."
I had decided to visit Imam Askari (A.S.) and request him to help us in finding my father. Because, only he was the one who could tell me the location of my father from the knowledge of Imamate.
I traveled a long way till I reached his house. I waited there for a while so that someone comes out of the house and inform him about the reason, which brought me there. While I was busy and immersed in my own ideas and was pondering and contemplating about my future course, the door of the house suddenly opened and the servant of Imam (A.S.) came out and shouted, "which one of you is 'Ibrahim', who has come from Madina to see Imam (A.S.)."
I rose up merrily and said, "Yes I am the one (you want) and have been waiting here from a certain time." He gave me a glance and then handed me over a sack saying Imam (A.S.) said, "This is a sack which contains your travel expenditure, take that and continue your journey and not very long from now, you will find your father." I took the sack happily and said to myself, "I did not see the Imam (A.S.) and did not inform him about my affair." How is it that he knew what was in my mind. I wanted to tell the servant to show me in to see Imam (A.S.) so that I question him about the location of my father. But suddenly I got aware that the servant had told me to continue my journey from the other direction.
A potential and complicated unseen power was pushing me towards "Tabristan" and forcing me to travel to that destination. I, without being conscious, undertook my journey towards Tabristan. When I reached there I kept wondering for a certain time till I met my father.
I rushed towards him and hugged him and was much happy to find him. I described all the matter to him. Both of us became await that Imam (A.S.) knew all the secrets of our interior. I was much more astonished when I observed that only one dirham out of the money which Imam (A.S.) sent for me as a travel expenditure was left over, exactly the amount necessary to get me to my destination.
4. Ismail: He says, "I was sitting on the way of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) so that I may detain him, while he passes that way, and ask him for help." Prior to that, I had hidden two hundred golden coins with me as a future provision for myself. Suddenly, when I was lost in my ideas, Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) passed by me. I rushed after him, stopped him and told him about my poverty and misery and swear that I had nothing from the material sources. He was very much annoyed with my swearing. He told his servant to give me what was available with him. The servant put band in his pocket and brought out a sack of gold and gave it to me. Then Imam (A.S.) addressing me said, "We do not deprive anybody from our help but you took a false oath and made the God angry. You must never do that again and not deny the blessings of God in future and depend upon God and have hope from him, make use and benefit of the boon which. He has given to you.
You have concealed two hundred golden coins in a corner so that it may be of use and benefit to you on your rainy day. But beware, you will not have an approach and lay your hands upon them, while you need them."
The man says, Imam (A.S.) made me aware and conscious about my fault by his words. What he had said did occur. One day when I extremely needed those coins, I rushed towards the place I had buried them. But when I dug the place I was surprised to see that there was no sign of the coins. I came to know that my son got informed about them and did an ugly act by picking them up without my permission and running away. Exactly the way Imam (A.S.) said, that I would not lay my hand upon them at the time of need.
There after, I decided to control myself and put a restraint upon my faults and be a chaste and pious person before God.
Imam's (A.S.) letter to one of his friends
Imam (A.S.) used to write letters to his friends and companions. One of the letters written to "Ali bin Babuya Qumi" who is one of the dignitaries and great Shia men. The translation of some parts of it says:
After the praise, eulogy, panegyric of God I recommend to you, who is one of our friends, to be pious, forgive the fruits of people, and subdue your anger and look after your relatives and near ones and fulfill the needs of the distressed ones, have a clear and exact insight and perception about your religion, get to know, (be familiar to) your Quran, and be vigilant (alert and cautious) about your prayers and worshiping. Always practice upon my orders and make my Shias practice upon that.
The Martyrdom of Imam (A.S.)
Imam (A.S.) was four years of age, when he was exiled to Samarra along with his father. He was placed under the caliph's observation at a point, which was the center of the armed forces. Pertinent to the same, he became famous and known by the byname of Askar.
Following the death of his father, the Abbasade caliph "Motamid" imprisoned him. The piety, and chastity of Imam (A.S.) attracted the attention of all the prisoners towards him, and made them all enticed and enchanted. The officials and agents of the caliph daily reported to the caliph as to his condition.
Eventually, he was martyred on the 8th of Rabi ul Awwal 260 Hijrah and was buried at Samarra near the grave of his father.
After his martyrdom his brother "Jaffar Kazzad", who was a gone astray man and was counted as one of the helpers of the caliph, stood up to offer the funeral prayer upon the body of Imam (A.S.). But all of a sudden, the son of the Imam (A.S.), who was a minor, came forward and pushed his uncle back and stood upon his uncle's place and offered the funeral prayer upon his father's body. Thereafter, the short absenteeism and occultation period started. Only a segment of special Shias could meet him.
But following the activities of the Abbasade caliphs to search his hiding place, the long occultation and absenteeism period set in, so that no one could reach him. He will remain hidden from the sights till such day that the ground for his revolution is available.
Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)
1. Lead a simple life and avoid spending lavishly and with immoderation.
2. Reach whomsoever, solute him and when you arrive an assembly, sit at a low place became, this is from the humbleness.
3. Avoid telling lie, as it is the key to the evils.
4. Whosoever is not a friend of Ahl al-Bayth (A.S.) is a hypocrite.
5. Whosoever has faith in the resurrection day and hereafter, fulfills his commitments (promises).


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Alla-Homma So'alle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless Mohammed s.a.w.s and his progeny)
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the love of Hussain a.s
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the ziarat of Hussain a.s

The greatest martyr of mankind
He sacrificed his life for Truth, Justice & Humanity 


An introduction to twelveth infallible Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi (AS)
Twelveth Infallible
Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya.
His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah. Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life.
The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.)
Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room. He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps. He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people. So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab.
The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.). On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine. Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinnars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones.
Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed
Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family." Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me."
Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow."
The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed. Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem." If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter."
He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him.
The Hardest Period
The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school. They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort.
Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person. If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes.
In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala.
Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil. He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.).
Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him.
Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids
One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him. This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people."
Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves.
One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically. This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered.
Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever.
Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness
One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons."
Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years.
Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali (A.S.)
Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinnars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra.
With all these extravagancies and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally.
The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely."
Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah. He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life. This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military.
Imam's (A.S.) Knowledge Status
Since the knowledge of Imam Hadi (A.S.) originated from the Prophetic school thus the light of knowledge shone over his heart and made him aware of the secret of creation.
1. One day, the emperor of Rome wrote to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas, "We have read in Bible that there is one Surah (Chapter) of the heavenly Surahs, which if read by anyone and practiced upon it's content God will not send that person to the Hell. You write me as to which one is that Surah? Because we did not find it in Bible."
The Abbasade Caliph gathered all the wise men and asked them the question and all of them failed to answer it. The Caliph summoned Imam Hadi (A.S.) and put to him that question Imam (A.S.) opened his lips for the reply and said, "That surah is Surah "Hamd" which every Muslim recites a number of times in his prayers at day and night time."
Then Imam (A.S.) gave some explanations about it, which surprised and astonished all the wise men. The answer of Imam (A.S.) was sent to the emperor of Rome who, having read it, was much pleased and embraced Islam.
2. "Yahya bin Aqsam" who was one of the wise men of Mamoon's age and the caliphs afterwards asked Imam (A.S.) many questions through a letter which were replied by him. The questions of Yahya and the response given by Imam (A.S.) are as under:
Question No.1. When "Sulayman (A.S.)" demanded the throne of queen "Bilqees" of "Sheba" his minister "Asif Barkhia" said, "I can bring the throne for you in the time of winking of an eye" why did Sulayman (Solomon) (A.S.) himself not do that? Did he himself not have the knowledge?
Answer: Whatever Asif did was through Sulayman (A.S.) and he had received his wisdom and knowledge from him since, Sulayman was a Prophet he had the capacity and power to perform all these works. But because of it, that he wanted to introduce his successor to the people and make them aware of his station he assigned him this work.
Question No.2. On the basis of Quranic version when Yaqoob (Jacob) (A.S.) went to Kanaan along with his sons to see Yousuf (A.S.) all fell down into prostration before Yousuf (Joseph) (A.S.). Why did a Prophet like Yaqoob (A.S.) performed prostration for Yousuf (A.S.). Whereas, prostration is specified only for God?
Answer: This prostration was not for Vousuf (A.S.) but as a thanks giving to God, just like the prostration of the angels for Adam (A.S.) even though, they did not perform it for Adam (A.S.), but prostration to God as a gratitude and thankfulness, regarding this creation, to Him.
Question No.3. Based upon the Quran's narration, if the edibles and beverages of Paradise are for the sake of pleasure then, why was Adam (A.S.) forbidden to eat the grapes and was expelled from Paradise?
Answer. As God wanted to try and test Adam (A.S.), He commanded him not to obey his wife Hawwa (Eve) (A.S.) and not to eat from that tree. But he opposed it and as a result he was ousted from the haven.
Question No.4. Why did Ali (A.S.) order his men in the battle of Jamal (Camel) to chase and bring into effect the pursuit of only "the warriors" and not to kill those who ran away, or were not armed, or injured? But in the Siffeen battle he ordered to kill them all, whether armed or unarmed, injured or uninjured, whomsoever they found and laid hands upon. Why was this difference in the order?
Answer: Since, the battle of Jamal was a battle of Islam verses Islam and a battle between a deceived Muslim against another Muslim but the battle of Siffeen was a battle of infidels against Islam. It was a combat between Muslim appearing infidels and the real Islam.
The next day Yahyah bin Aksam asked all the wise men present in the assembly of Haroon:
When Adam (A.S.) went to perform Hajj and visit the house of God, who shaved his head off?
All of them were unable to give an answer to him. Then they put question to Imam Hadi (A.S.). He said, "Gabriel the angel of God."
Yahyah took pleasure and enjoyed the answers of Imam (A.S.) and admitted to the knowledge station of Imam (A.S.) in the presence of all.
The Imam's (A.S.) News about the unseen
People observed from lmam Hadi (A.S.) due to his connection with God and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of God's might and power.
One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) traveled from Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wasiq the Abbasade caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, and Mutawakkil was in prison and Ibn-e-Zayyat had become famous and well known among the people.
Imam (A.S.) after a moment's silence said, "That which is God's will, shall take place, and there is no way to stop his orders and commands. Oh my friend be aware that Wasiq has passed away and Mutawakkil has succeeded him and Ibn-e-Ziyyat has been slain upon the behest of Mutawakkil."
I asked, "When was it?"
He said, "Six days after you moved out of Baghdad."
Imam's (A.S.) Judgment
In the age of Mutawakkil regime a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima. He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young."
She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young." Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What do you say about the claim of this women" All of them said, "she tells a lie."
Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her."
They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem."
Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter.
Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatimah (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh. Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?"
She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself." Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself."
Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook. Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work."
Imam (A.S.) in Mutawakkil's Assembly
Mutawakkil, who was a self conceited and egoist Abbasade caliph, was much annoyed about the attention of the people focused upon Hadi (A.S.) and was all the time immersed in the thought of annihilating Imam (A.S.). One day, he was informed that Imam (A.S.) wanted to bring about a revolt and has gathered money and weapons, for this purpose, in his house.
Mutawakkil ordered the officials to attack and break into the house of Imam (A.S.) at midnight and search it and whatever money and weapons are discovered be brought to him along with the Imam (A.S.). Mutawakkil had arranged a merry making party in his palace for his own relaxation and amusement and the musician played music and the singers sang sons for him.
He was counting moments and waiting anxiously for Imam to be showed in. The agents and officials climbed the roof from the backside of the Imam's (A.S.) house and break into it. They found Imam (A.S.) busy in offering his prayers in a room. Howsoever, they searched the rooms but could not find anything except a certain amount of money and one sword. They picked these up and presented to Mutawakkil along with the Imam (A.S.).
When Imam (A.S.) arrived Mutawakkil seated him beside himself and presented the dirty drink (wine) to him and asked him to take it. Imam (A.S.) said, "By Lord, I shall never at all touch my lips with it."
Mutawakkil who was intoxicated and did not have attention towards anything turned his face to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Thus you must recite some poem (rhymes) for me." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "I do not know any of them except for a number of them, which are left over as a monument of my grandfather Ali (A.S.)."
Mutawakkil said, "Recite that" Imam (A.S.) recited the rhymes, of his forefather Ali (A.S.), which were striking and awareness creating. A tempest took shape in his interior. So that he came to his senses, out of intoxication.
He wept and ordered that Imam (A.S.) may be sent back to his house respectfully. The money, which was brought from his house, may be returned with sane addition to it.
The Translation of the rhymes is as under:
1. They made the high peaks, their residence, and permanently and always, stationed armed guards to watch that. But none of them could stop the death from approaching them.
2. Finally and consequently, they were dragged from their grand palaces into the ditches of graves and with how unfortunately they arrived it.
3. At this time, the voice of the caller of God raised which said, "Where did those decorations, crowns, magnanimity and ostentation and grandeur go?" Where did those faces brought up in coquetry and endearment and which were nurtured upon the wealth of others, and showed their pride and mincing air to them, go.
4. The grave made them anonymous and their faces turned into the fields of attacks of the insects and worms.
5. One day they ate and drank whatever they desired, without any care but today they have themselves become food of the animals.
The rhymes, which were totally admonitions and advices, hammered the brain of Mutawakkil, and made him so ecstasies that he was awakened from the deep slumber and threw his cup of wine upon the earth and his eyes shed tears like it was raining.
Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom
After the tyrant caliph Mutawakkl's death Imam (A.S.) was still in agony, pain and discomfort till the time he was martyred by "Mutaz" at the age of 42 and was buried in the land of Samarrah.
The Pupils of Imam (A.S.)
Although Imam (A.S.) was strictly under observation and he was being put under vigilance from all aspects but a group of his lovers, enthusiastic and amorous lovers of the spring of his knowledge contacted him confidentially and secretly and used to quench their thirst from that spring up to their utmost means.
Some of his friends were:
1. Abdul Azim Hasani: He was one of the great and wise men of his age and was much renowned for his piety. Imam Hadi (A.S.) would usually say to his friends "whenever a difficulty crops up for you ask Abdul Azim and convey my Salam and Salutation to him."
Once, he put forward his beliefs before Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) said, "By Cod, these are the same beliefs which God has liked (approved) for His slaves."
This son of Imam (A.S.) was pursued and followed up very strictly and severely and concealed himself in the city of Rai and sometimes he came to visit the grave of Hamza, which is situated near his own.
After sometime he fell ill and passed away and was buried at the same place.
2. Hasan Ibn-e-Saeed Ahwazi: Who was one of the friends of Imam Reza (A.S.), Imam Jawad (A.S.) and Imam Hadi (A.S.) and narrated traditions from all of them, lived in the beginning in Kufa then he left along with his brothers for Ahwaz and from there he shifted to Qum. He died over there. He authored about 30 books regarding Jurisprudence and the Islamic ethics and morality. The wise men accept the tradition narrated by him. Allamah Majlisi and Allamah Hilli had mentioned him with great respect and held him in high esteem.
3. Fazl bin Shazan Nishapuri: He was an informed, knowledgeable and strong jurisprudent and orator. He always had confabulation with the friends of Imam (A.S.) and benefited from them. He himself is considered one of the companions of Imam Hadi (A.S.). He wrote a large number of books, which attracted the attention of the wise men. Some of them say he wrote as many as a hundred and eighty books. Following the demise of Imam Hadi (A.S.), he became a part of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.).
One day, when he visited Imam's (A.S.) assembly, he praised and recommended him to the people of Khorrasan so that they may get benefited from his books. Since he was pursued on account of his being a Shia, he traveled to Behaq and after a period he became ill and died in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.).
Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)
1. The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him.
2. The one who carelessly commits sin and throws away the curtain of modesty, God will make him ignanimous, desperate and wretched.
3. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed.
4. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss.
5. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones.


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Alla-Homma So'alle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless Mohammed s.a.w.s and his progeny)
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the love of Hussain a.s
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the ziarat of Hussain a.s

The greatest martyr of mankind
He sacrificed his life for Truth, Justice & Humanity 


An introduction to eleventh infallible Hazrat Imam Taqi (AS)
Eleventh Infallible
Above Forty years of the life of Imam Ali Reza (A.S.) had passed and still he did not have a son. The Shias were showing restlessness and anxiety and praying to God to grant the Imam (A.S.) that son who was being awaited, since they had heard from their previous Imams that the Ninth Imam is the son of eighth Imam. Even sometimes they visited Imam Ali Reza (A.S.) and questioned him about his successor. He would reply, "God will give me a son who will be my heir and the Imam to follow me."
At last, the waiting of Shias ended and Imam was born from his mother named "Khaizran". She was from the family of Maria Qibtia the wife of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who was famous and renowned among the Arabs for her purity, modesty, and superb human virtues.
Imam (A.S.) has many titles out of those Taqi and Jawad are the most famous.
Hakima, the sister of Imam Reza (A.S.), says on the night of his (Imam's [A.S.]) birth my brother advised me to be present beside his wife. The son of Imam (A.S.) came to the world very conveniently and looked at the sky and declared and confirmed the oneness of God and the Prophet-hood of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.). I, upon observing this matter trembled and went to my brother, and told him about it. My brother said, "Oh sister don't be disturbed you will see the surprises even after this one."
This birth was a very auspicious, blessed and comforting because it took the Shias out of the wandering state, doubt, irresolution and indecision.
Naufali narrates, "When Imam Reza (A.S.) was traveling to Khurrasan I said, "Don't you have any order for me." He said, "You follow my son after me and question him about your difficulties."
Imam (A.S.) persistently and continuously told his friends, "It is not necessary that you write to me and ask me question, instead you make queries and ask questions from this young child who is the Imam next to me." When some of his friends reflected their amazement and surprise that how this child would be stationed as the Imam of the Ummah? He would say, "God appointed Jesus Christ (A.S.) as the Prophet when he was even younger than Abu Jaffar. Age and years do not have any interference in the Prophet-hood and Imamate.
The Ninth Imam Hazrat Jawad (A.S.) undertook the responsibility of Imamate at the age of nine years. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, "Ali Ibn-e-Jaffar the uncle of Imam commanded a great respect among the people and whenever he went to the mosque, people would surround him and ask questions about their problems." One day, Imam Jawad (A.S.) arrived the mosque. Ali Ibn-e-Jaffar who was an aged and elderly person got up from his place and kissed the hand of the Imam (A.S.), and stood beside him. Imam (A.S.) said, "Uncle sit down." He said, "How can I sit while you are standing."
When he returned among his friends they reprimanded him saying, "You are an old man and the uncle of this child. Why do you respect him that way?" He replied, "keep quiet, Imamate is an office and a station from God. God did not deem this old man fit and capable for the leadership of the Ummah, but considered this child capable for it. You must all obey his commands."
The Moral Features of Imam (A.S.)
Imam (A.S.) was a child when his father passed away but he never happened to commit the child like acts and even one day one of his friends purchased the game items in the age (period) of his father and took it to his house. Imam (A.S.) was extremely annoyed with him and said, "What do I have to do with these? We are a family of Knowledge and Virtue."
One year after the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) Mamoon was proceeding for hunting along with a group of men. Some children were playing in the street. A child was standing on one side of the street and watching them play. All of the children ran away as they saw Mamoon and his army men. But the eleven-year-old child who was watching kept on standing and did not move from his place. Mamoon came near him and asked, "Oh son why did you not run away as the others did?"
He replied, "The way was not narrow so that I could be hurdle for your crossing it. I have not committed any thing wrong so that I might be afraid. I do not think you annoy anyone without reason. Therefore, my running away would be reasonless". Mamoon was surprised and amazed at the boldness, dauntlessness and training of that child and asked, "What is your name?"
He replied "Mohammad."
He asked whose son are you?
He said, "Son of Ali."
Mamoon said, "Are you not the son of Reza (A.S.)?"
He replied, "Yes."
Mamoon praised and applauded him and move on along with his companions.
The Letter of Imam Reza (A.S.) for His Son
Baranti says, "One day Imam Reza (A.S.) wrote a letter on this way, to his son in Madina."
"Oh son! I have heard that the servants do not allow the people to come and simply contact you and put their difficulties before you. Be aware they (servants) do not want your benefit and prosperity now I order you that the door of your house be open to all the people and all of them be free to come and go so that whosoever may wish he could ask you question about his difficulty may have the energy (freedom) to do it.
Whenever you go somewhere carry money along with you so that if somebody is in need you may help him. Keep your problem stricken, and entangled relatives in view and attend and help them well. Always do not forget generosity and attending the afflicted ones.
Imam's (A.S.) Contact with the World of Unseen
Following the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) eighty men of wisdom traveled to perform Hajj. On the way (to Mecca) they arrived Madina and went to Imam's (A.S.) house to pay him a visit. Imam (A.S.) who was a young age (child) move into the aggregation and all of them stood up to honor and respect him.
Then they asked questions about their problems and heard then response of the Imam (A.S.) and were very glad. One of them named "Ishaq" says, I had written down a number of problems to ask from the Imam (A.S.) and request him to pray for me so that God gives we a son. Since the assembly was quite overcrowded I got up to go and come back the next day. Imam (A.S.) saw me and said, Oh Ishaq, God granted my demand (prayer) and will give you a son. Name him "Ahmad."
Thereafter, Imam (A.S.) answered my problems. I heard the answers to my questions without even putting them to Imam (A.S.).
I was much surprised and said, I thank God for the benediction and boon that he has given us. He is the same proof of God (Imam) as I returned to my city not very long had passed that God gave me a son just as Imam (A.S.) had said. I named him "Ahmad."
Ashari Qumi says, "I had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). I humbly said, "One of the ladies, who is one of your friends, has recommended to me that I bring along with me one of your dresses for her so that she may use it as her coffin."
Imam said, "She does not need it any longer."
I did not exactly understand what it meant. I did not utter a word and said good-bye to Imam (A.S.) and came back. Afterwards, I came to know that a few days before my reaching the Imam (A.S.), that woman had died. Imam (A.S.) was informed about her death. He wanted to make me know it by a signal.
Ummiyya says, "During the period when Imam Reza (A.S.) was in Khorrasan I used to visit the ninth Imam's house." One day he told his relatives "Get ready for mourning tomorrow." I said "for whom"? He said, "the mourning of the best of all the human beings, my father Hazrat Reza (A.S.)."
Aba Salat who was one of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, "After the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) I was imprisoned by the order of Mamoon. I remained a prisoner for one year and got very much sad and gloomy. One night. I kept waking and busy praying and was calling my Imam (A.S.) for help. My prayers had not yet finished that I saw Imam Jawad (A.S.) son of Imam Reza (A.S.) near myself. He addressing me said, "Oh Aba Salat it seems you have become very sad and gloomy?" I said, "Yes." Imam (A.S.) came near me and struck his hand upon the chains and all at once those fell to the ground. Then he said, "Get up." He took me by the hand and guided me out of the prison and said "Go, so that now you will not see Mamoon after this and no harm will reach you from him." The way Imam (A.S.) said it happened.
Imam's (A.S.) Marriage
After Mamoon had poisoned Imam Reza (A.S.) he struggled and endeavored hard to show that the death of Imam Reza (A.S.) was a natural one. But slowly and gradually his craftiness and trickery became evident and Alvis and Shias knew that Mamoon himself had committed this crime. Therefore, a hue and cry, Criticism, disturbance, and revolt started against him from various nooks and corners. To control and put a restraint upon that hue and cry he brought the son of Imam Reza (A.S.) Imam Mohammad Taqi (A.S.) from Madina to Khorrasan so as to marry his daughter Umul Fazal to him. The Abbasades tried hard to stop it but Mamoon did not accept and said to them, you do not recognize him. How do you ask me not to select the best of the Lord's creations and the wisest of all the people for my son-in-law? You can test him. If he answers your questions and defeats you, do not utter a word after that, and take back your demand. If he could not answer your question, I will accede to your request and not give my daughter's hand in marriage to him.
The Abbasade approached Yahya bin Aqsam and requested him to prepare a number of problems and put to Imam Jawad (A.S.) questions in the assembly of Mamoon (about those). Yahyah acceded to their request. They came to Mamoon and announced the readiness of Yahyah bin Aqsam to him. He fixed a date for that. The Abbasade came along with Yahyah to that aggregation. The assembly was a real grand one. All the chieftains and dignitaries were present. At this stage the Imam (A.S.) arrived there and all of them rose to their feet. He went ahead and took seat near Mamoon, who was not un-inclined that Imam (A.S.) may be questioned and probably he might not be able to answer them. He said to Imam (A.S.), "Yahyah bin Aqsam wants to ask you some questions." He replied, "he may ask whatever he wishes to."
Yahyah said, "what do you say about a person who puts on the dress of Ehram and goes to the house of God for pilgrimage, hunts and kills an animal over there?"
Imam said. "Oh Yahyah this problem has many different dimensions. Which of them do you want to ask about? Was the person out of the Haram (area) or inside it? Was he informed and knew about the prohibition of this work or he was uninformed (ignorant of it)? Did he kill the animal purposely or forgetfully? Was he a slave or a free person? The doer of it repented upon it or he has the intention to carry on with it? Was it night or daytime? Was it his first time or second or third? Was the (hunted) animal a bird or otherwise? Was it small or big one?"
Yahyah was perplexed and bewildered when the Imam (A.S.) explained and illustrated the problem very well. His face indicated the signs of defeat and failure and his tongue stammered. All those present appreciated and admired the Imam (A.S.). Then Imam (A.S.) facing yahyah said, "I have also a question to ask you?" He said, "Please ask it. If I know I will answer it, if not, then I will benefit from you."
Then Imam (A.S.) questioned him about a problem all those present were calm, quiet and all ears to her the answer of Aqsam. The Abbasades and Mamoons partisans and adherers were trembling with uneasiness and were saying to themselves. If Aqsam could not give a reply all of us will become marked with ignobility and disgrace. Imam's (A.S.) honor and worth will ascend to a more than ever level.
At the same time the court scholar bent his head with shame and said, "I do not know the answer to this problem. You describe it so that I benefit from you." Then Imam (A.S.) gave the answer with beautiful description and pleased all the friends and unpleased all the enemies.
At that time, Mamoon addressed the Abbasades and said, "Do you find anyone among yourselves who could respond and give answer to such problems?"
They replied "By God, no."
Then, Mamoon got his daughter Umul Fazal married to Imam (A.S.) in the same seating of the assembly.
What did Mamoon aim at, by this Marriage?
1. Mamoon had a political motive and aim by this marriage because he, by sending his daughter to the house of Imam (A.S.) wanted to keep vigilance and watch over Imam (A.S.) and remain minutely aware about his activities. As is evident from the history his daughter performed her duty of a reporter very well.
2. He wanted that by this marriage he may get Imam (A.S.) acquainted with the congregations and get together full of drinking and luxurious rejoicing and merry making, and get him busy in pleasure full activities. Resulting which he, on the night of the marriage of Imam (A.S.), sent beautiful maid servants for singing songs, along with musicians to the Imam (A.S.). He shouted upon them, and sends them away.
One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, I was present near Imam (A.S.) in Baghdad and was thinking in my mind as to how lmam (A.S.) would abandon and leave the charming and beautiful life of the Mamoon's governmental structure and machine, and go to Madina.
Imam (A.S.) said to me, "Oh my faithful friend, know it, that eating bread and salt (simple food) and wearing rough dress and living in Madina near the tomb of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is better for me than this life."
For the same reason, for all the insisting of Mamoon that Imam (A.S.) must stay back, He did not stay in Baghdad and arrived Madina along with his wife Umul Fazal and remained there till 220 Hijrah.
3. Mamoon desired that a son may be born from his daughter and be appointed as Imam and thus he may be able to get a document of honor and pride for himself.
Particularly and specially when he had heard from the previous leaders that the twelfth Imam who would be founder of a global government is from the race of this very Imam.
But the daughter of Mamoon did not bear a child to Imam. Hadi, Musa, Mabbarak and the other sons and daughters of Imam (A.S.) were born from another wife; a kind, modest sublime maid. Mamoon died with this desire in his heart.
Imam's (A.S.) Station and Status of Knowledge
Before this we learnt how Imam (A.S.) defeated and made the renowned court scholar unable to reply in the assembly of Mamoon, and got sights of all the scholars focused at himself. In this chapter it is necessary to describe the affair, which took place in the court aggregation of "Mustasim" the Abbasade caliph and brother of Mamoon.
An incident which flared up the anger of the court scholars in such a way that they provoked and instigated "Mutasim" to assassinate Imam (A.S.). The event goes so that a thief was brought to the court of "Mutasim" so that he may be punished by his order. To begin with, he asked the opinion of the scholars present in his assembly. In this connection the chief and head of them who was a famous and well-known scholar said something, which Mutasim did not accept.
He sent a word, to Imam Jawad (A.S.) for the solution of that problem. Imam (A.S.) arrived and all the scholars present in the court stood up from their specified places to pay him respect.
Imam (A.S.) took his seat among them and fixed the punishment for the thief referring to Quran and Hadith. "Mutasim" accepted the answer of Imam (A.S.) and ordered it to be implemented.
The scholars who were greatly pinched and angry upon their defeat came to "Mutasim" after Imam (A.S.) had left and said, "You have defeated and beaten us up by this act of yours and made the Shias worthy and valued." Evidently, it will become clear to the people that you and all of us have gone astray, Imam (A.S.) and his followers are on the right track.
"Mutasim" effected and influenced by these words, took the decision to make amends for what had happened and martyr the Imam (A.S.) and he did it.
The end of Mamoon's Affair
"Mamoon Abdoos" revolted against Mamoon in Egypt. Mamoon moved to crush him. After he had defeated him, he arrived Rome and conquered it, and took many prisoners. On the way back he happened to cross through the land of "Raqqa" which had a very nice, pleasant, and desirable spring known as "Qushaera". Since, that was a place having much pleasant climate he camped over there to stay for a lengthy period of time.
Mamoon got ill over there and when he came to know the meanings of the words "Raqqa" and "Qushaera" he took it for a bad omen and was greatly disturbed and upset, as he had heard that he will die at a land named "Raqqa". He trembled and shivered for a while and knew that he would die.
At last, Mamoon passed away after an ailment of a few days. He was buried there. After his death "Mutasim" his brother who was a wicked and dirty-charactered person succeeded him. He summoned Imam Jawad (A.S.) from Madina to Baghdad so that he could keep him under his eyes and strict vigilance from close quarters.
The Friends of Imam (A.S.)
Since, in the period of Imam Jawad (A.S.) the pressure and control of the enemies was much greater (than other times) lesser number of students could be trained. A segment of the prominent students of Imam (A.S.) are:
(i) "Ali Ibn-e-Mahazyar" who was one of the special friends of Imam (A.S.). He was counted to be among the pious and chaste persons living in Ahwaz.
He has left over behind him nearly thirty books as the monuments of the Ahl al-Bayth (A.S.) and his memorial. He reached to such status that Imam (A.S.) wrote about him, "In the name of God, Oh Ali, God may bless you with beneficent reward and place you in his paradise and bless you with the benevolences and boons of two worlds. I have not found a person like you (busy) in (our) well-being and service."
(ii) "Abu Nasar Bazanti" was one of the residents of Kufa and one of the special friends of Imam (A.S.). All the Shia scholars accept and recognize his status in jurisprudence, and knowledge. He is the same person who visited Imam Reza (A.S.) and he gave him a special respect.
(iii) "Zakria Bin Adam" He was one of the residents of Qum and out of the most worthy friends of Imam (A.S.) and is buried in Qum. He is one of those for whom Imam (A.S.) prayed and introduced him as his faithful friend. When one of his friends asked, "I am living at a far away and distant place and cannot contact you and ask you questions about the commandments of religion." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) replied, "Ask Zakria bin Adam who is the trustworthy in affairs of world and religion (resurrection day)."
The Martyrdom
The circumstances of the martyrdom of Imam (A.S.) have been narrated differently. lbn-e-Sheher Ashoob, a great historian writes so: Because of the extreme anger and grudge that Mutasim nursed in his heart against Imam (A.S.), he provoked and encouraged Umul Fazal the wife of Imam (A.S.) to murder him. The womanly passions made her accept the killing and martyring Imam (A.S.) so she poisoned and martyred him. The martyrdom of Imam (A.S.) took place on Tuesday the 6th of Zil Haj, 220 Hijrah, at the age of 25 years. His pure and sacred body was buried in the graveyard of Quraish beside the grave of his grandfather Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) in Baghdad (Kazmain). The tomb of these two Imams (A.S.) is known as Kazmain and is the visiting site of the Shias.
Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)
1. A man came to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Admonish me." He replied, "Oppose (disobey) the wishes of your heart because you are continuously under the observation of God."
2. The sinner who does not stop committing sin and repent is proud. The one who shows greatness to God is perished.
3. The best faithful is the one whose morality is best of all.
4. Man's perfection is in intelligence (wistfulness).
5. Whosoever depends on God, God saves him from every evil.
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