Alla-Homma So'alle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless Mohammed s.a.w.s and his progeny)
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the love of Hussain a.s
(O Allah(s.w.t) Bless us with the ziarat of Hussain a.s
The greatest martyr of mankind
He sacrificed his life for Truth, Justice & Humanity
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The best of creation, the noblest example, the Mercy for all mankind, the Holy Prophet of Islam is the last Messenger from Allah. Find out about him and his teachings.
This book tells you about the greatness of Maula Ali(AS) our 1st holy Imam from his birth in the Kaaba to his martyrdom in Masjid. Learn about his bravery, generosity, kindness wisdom, knowledge and worship.
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The only daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Bibi Fatima is the perfect example for us to follow. Read stories from her life to learn how she cared for others, stood for justice and was martyred.
Learn about Hadhrat Abbas, this valiant son of Imam Ali (AS), who supported his brother Imam Hussain (AS) through every breath of his life. Read details of his role in Karbala as he held the banner of Islam high in his hands.
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The brave daughter of Imam Ali(AS) carried on the mission of her brother Imam Hussain (AS) to save Islam. Read about her journey to Shaam and her courage at every step as she faced hardships.
Bibi Sakina (AS) the 4 year old daughter of Imam Hussain (AS) was special. Her pain and suffering after Ashoor touched the hearts of millions. Find out about her courage as she faced the cruel Yazeed.
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The 4th Imam Ali Zainulabideen (AS) spread Truth through prayers and mourning for the martyrs of Karbala. Learn about his life and teachings.
It is our duty to recognise the Imam of our time. Learn about the 12th Imam, about his parents, his birth, his ghaibat. Find out what our duties are as his followers and how we can connect with him.
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The 12 Imams are the guardians of Islam named by Allah to protect His message. This book includes stories from each of the 12 Imams who guided the Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad (SAW.)
Learn about Karbala & the Day of Ashoor. You will read what happened in 12 days of Muharram. Read a majlis for each martyrs. Find out how Imam Hussain sacrificed his family to save the message of Islam.
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Baqee, the graveyard in Madina has 4 of our holy Imams’ graves but alas the tombs have been razed to the ground & destroyed before our eyes.. Learn about its history and join in greeting the holy ones who lie buried here.
Find out about the holy month of Ramadan, the month of the Quran. Read duas on each day and learn about the amazing miracle of Allah’s revealed message. Learn about people connected with holy month & holy book.
 | Stories about the Life of Holy Prophet (s) |  | Concentration - The 5 Daily Prayers |
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Interesting Stories from Seeratun-Nabi, we have selected 24 stories; Manat - the Idol , Muslim & Martyr - All in Less Than a Day!, The Brave & Dedicated Women of Islam, Do Not Harm the Feelings, Pay Ransom Money or Teach Ten, Allow Me to Weep!
Beautiful compilation on the basic concept of Salat its fine point like presence of heart in prayer, understanding what you recite, seeking forgiveness, inspecting, cleanliness, avoiding whisper of shytan. Crosswords & sat quiz too. A perfect companion for kids!
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Shaykh AbuJafar Mohd Tusi | Islamic Mobility |
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Short passages to explain the young readers about the numerous Islamic beliefs, including attributes of God, monotheism, will of Allah, Justice, Grace of Allah, Seal of Prophet, Rasul, Nabi, Superiority of Prophets, Infallibility of Imam.
Interesting tales from the life of Behlool
 | Islamic Correspondence Course 1 |  | Islamic Correspondence Course 2 |
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Islamic Correspondence Course Basic Level Book 1 of 4 from the collection of Allamah Saeed Akhtar Rizvi.
Islamic Correspondence Course Basic Level Book 2 of 4 from the collection of Allamah Saeed Akhtar Rizvi.
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Islamic Correspondence Course Basic Level Book 3 of 4 from the collection of Allamah Saeed Akhtar Rizvi.
Islamic Correspondence Course Basic Level Book 4 of 4 from the collection of Allamah Saeed Akhtar Rizvi.
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